It is my mission To educate and empower people to make informed decisions about natural health by exposing false claims and promoting evidence-based practices.
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"Truth in Natural Health"
Blog Articles
Introduction: A New Mission Begins; But here’s the truth: You are not alone.
The challenges of transitioning to civilian life are real, but so are the solutions. It starts with awareness, speaking up, and finding new ways to serve and lead. Whether you’re struggling with mental health concerns, identity shifts, or finding purpose after service, help is available, and your next mission is just beginning.
Ayuno de Daniel
How to improve your sugar Como mejorar tu Azucar
Spanish verison
How to improve your Cholesterol
Como mejorar tu colesterol
English version
This web page will never ask you for money or send tracking information and contain Google ads. If someone calls you and IDs as Dr.B or gives you my info, tell them NO! Please send me an email through the contact me, on this page.
Si alguien te contacta y se identifica pidiendote dinero o informacion y se identifica como yo, dile que no, you no te llamare, pedire dinero o informacion personal, esta pagina contiene promociones de google, para dudas, comunicate al email al final de la pagina.
Your certified Coach ready to guide you to A
Mindful, progressive and SUCCESSFUL LIFESTYLE.
Tu asesor certificado y tu guia a un mejor estilo de vida exitoso
Listening is the foundation of my coaching approach. Let me help you discover how to overcome your fears and live the life you deserve.
Relaciones, Familia, trabajo, amigos, sociedad, iglesia, sobrepeso, diabetes, problemas de salud, estress, salud mental, finanzas, etc…
Escuchar es la fundacion de mi acercamiento. dejame descubrir como ayudarte para que tengas la vida que deseas.
Don’t see what you’re looking for? I can customize my coaching programs to match your personal learning
No vez lo que necesitas, puedo crear un programa que se ajuste a ti
Enjoy this page WITH Dr. B
Disfruta esta pagina con Dr. b
1:1 Coaching
The ideal choice if you want a personalized plan that is tailored to your goals and lifestyle.
La solucion ideal si quieres un plan personalizado que se ajuste a tus necesidades y estilo de vida.
online LESSONS
Explore wellness principles on your own schedule through a variety of online live lessons.
Explora los principios en tu tiempo atraves de programas en vivo
(Buying a home, buying a car, traveling, stress, health issues, financial problems, etc…)
(Compra de casa, carro, viajes, stress, problemas de salud, problemas financieros, etc…)
We can assist you and prepare you for what’s next.
Te podemos ayudar para lo que viene.
Begin your wellness journey with full access to our beginner-friendly live webinars and events.
Empieza tu viaje con nuestros seminarios y eventos.
Nutrition Guidance
Guia nutritiva
Improving your Health with the right food, at the right time with the right environment
Mejora tu salud comiendo correctamente, en el momento adecuado y en el ambiente adecuado.
Try something new
Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.
Empieza a explorar tu relacion con tus comidas con algunas recetas gratis. Comer saludable tambien puede ser delicioso
Target Specific Issues
If allergies, illness, or other aversions have complicated your relationship with food, a personalized plan might be right for you.
Si padeces de alergias u otras complicaciones, puedo hacer un plan personalizado e individualizado para ti.
Wellness Coaching
Asesoria saludable
Creating a plan that works for you
Creando un plan que funcione para ti.
Through my personalized coaching, I’ll work alongside you and your primary care provider to develop a holistic integrated plan to achieve full body wellness—often combining the practices of nutrition, exercise, acupuncture, meditation, herbal remedies, and more.
A traves de mi asesoria y tu medico de cabecera, crearemos un plan holistico integrado que combinado podra ayudarte con tu situacion personal.
Integrity Guide 2025: an introspective look
Integrity is the guiding principle of ethical behavior, reflecting a commitment to honesty, accountability, and consistency across all areas of life. It is the foundation of trust and respect, a vital cornerstone for personal development, organizational success, and societal harmony. In this guide, authored by Braulio M. Velez with the assistance of AI, we delve into the multifaceted nature of integrity, examining its role in shaping personal, corporate, governmental, religious, business, and social domains.
Guia personal de integridad 2025 version 2025 en ingles
Guide for a Better and Healthier Life
Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels is crucial for overall well-being, particularly for individuals managing diabetes, prediabetes, or simply aiming for optimal health. What we eat plays a significant role in regulating blood sugar. A balanced, nutrient-rich diet can stabilize energy levels, improve mood, and prevent complications associated with erratic blood sugar levels. This e-book provides a holistic approach to blood sugar control, complete with practical examples and user-friendly tips.
Quote Source
“The reality of those who despair blinds the vision of those who dream. The leader is not measured by their words but by the actions of a majestic, fulfilling life.”
“La realidad de los que desesperan ciegan la vision de los que suenan. El lider no se mide por sus palabras sino por las acciones de una majestuosa vida plena.”
B. Velez (2010)
Time is the best ally when sorrow lurks; but don't abuse it because it only gives you one chance and in the end, it will surrender to your eyes when you least expect it. Live fully and your mark will endure forever.
El tiempo es el mejor aliado cuando la pena asecha; pero no abuses de este porque solo te da una oportunidad y al final se rendira a tus ojos cuando menos lo esperes. Vive plenamente y tu huella perdurara por siempre.
Contact Us
Se habla Espanol
Winston Salem North Carolina